Friday, June 6, 2008

A Sick Little Girl

It's been a while since I posted because it's been a busy couple of weeks in our house. My parents have been visiting for the last two weeks, and Pumpkin Pie has barely napped in those two weeks as well. Pumpkin Pie hasn't napped much on my days off for a while, and now that school is out, Mommy is home every day.

Sunday after church and lunch, Pumpkin Pie was getting tired and did eventually fall asleep next to me on the couch. About an hour later she woke up with a fever. I gave her some medicine to help make her more comfortable. We alternated acetaminophen and ibuprofen about every 4 hours until Tuesday morning when I finally took her in to the doctor. She'd been feeling a little better Monday morning and by the time it had gotten bad enough again for me to consider calling, I knew that I could no longer get her in to see the doctor. I knew it wasn't bad enough to take her to the ER - she was just running a fever and hurting somehow. We suspected teething (no molars yet) but couldn't feel any teeth coming through, although it obviously hurt her to eat. She would chew things, but wouldn't swallow much more than applesauce and popsicles. When she saw the doctor on Tuesday, she was somewhat on the mend, but still not eating much. The doctor showed me how sore her throat obviously was, but it was just a virus that would run its course after another day or two. By now, she is back to her happy self and eating very well again. She's even napping right now! Those days of her crying "mommy, mommy, mommy" were very hard on me. She is getting very good at calling for Mommy when she wants me or wants me to do something.

1 comment:

Karla said...

I am glad that "Pumpkin Pie" is feeling better now!!!