Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season! Pumpkin Pie has had a great Christmas so far, and Princess is enjoying her first Christmas as well. Both are getting spoiled by grandparents as we are traveling to see family. Pumpkin Pie has enjoyed having cousins to play with and is sleeping well at night as a result. The potty learning isn't going as well just because she is spending more time in dipes and pull-ups. We'll get back in the swing of things when we go back home. Pumpkin Pie is sleeping so well in big beds that we may have to set up my old daybed (twin size) when we get home because she isn't needing to go to sleep in our bed before getting moved to her bed like at home. I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be in such a big bed, but sometimes it isn't up to me.

1 comment:

Karla said...

Glad to hear your holidays are going well!