Saturday, May 17, 2008

Growing Up Too Fast

Today makes 9 weeks and counting until baby #2 is due. I know that Pumpkin Pie will be a great big sister, but it amazes me how quickly she is growing up. She received a giftcard in the mail earlier this week from her aunt, uncle, and cousins (Thanks!) and we spent it last night while we were in town to see my doctor. The baby is growing very well (HB=157), and I've actually gained 4 pounds in the last two weeks. That's the biggest jump I've had so far in either pregnancy. It still only has me at a net gain of 4 pounds, but maybe I'll actually gain a little more weight with this one. Pumpkin Pie got 3 new puzzles, a Mr. Potato Head, and the parts to make Mr. Potato Head into Mrs. Potato Head fairy princess style. Mr. Potato Head stays put away until school is out so that there are no little pieces left out for Daddy to step on, but we got out one of the puzzles this morning. It only took her a few minutes to figure out, and she played with it for quite awhile - dumping the pieces out and putting them back. Did I mention that the puzzles were marked for ages 3 and up? My Pumpkin Pie may be too smart for her own good. She figured out that all she had to do was match the picture on the puzzle piece with the picture in the empty space and POOF! - we have a match!

We also got a new DVD player last night. Our old one didn't want to open anymore so we couldn't play DVD's in it. We hadn't used it in awhile because Pumpkin Pie figured out last fall how to open and close it. When we had the cabinet pulled out for hubby to do some wiring, I moved the DVD player to the top where Pumpkin Pie can't reach it, but it didn't work anyway. The new one is a 5-disc changer and will upconvert to HD if we ever get an HDTV. It was on clearance, probably in anticipation of a new model or the new bluray technology. I also got an external hard drive last night so I can have a back-up of all of my pictures of Pumpkin Pie. I have them saved on DVD, but can't always get my computer to read them so now they are on the external hard drive. I may delete them from my computer and hope that the free space speeds up the computer and makes it last a little longer. I have a 60GB hard drive in my laptop and 320GB so lots of space to fill. :)

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