Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Yesterday we went to town and got Christmas pictures taken of the girls together and separately as well as did our major grocery shopping for the next 2 1/2 weeks. It always makes for a long day, but when we get all of the groceries put away it is refreshing to have a good supply of food in the house again. This time I made a menu so I could plan meals and know that I had what I needed to make those meals. Of course, Princess got fussy while we were shopping and I had to skip a couple of things, but I'll get those at the local store. Pumpkin Pie stayed in the van with Daddy because he hates grocery shopping, and she wanted to watch her movie.

The place that we get the girls' pictures taken has switched to all digital since the last time we got pictures taken (the princess's newborn pictures), and prices have gone up. Also, because we wanted pictures of the girls separately and together all from the same photo session, it was a lot more expensive than if we could have gone in separately, but you are limited to one introductory package per month. We have never spent that much on pictures before! Our favorite person was working, but she wasn't taking pictures yesterday. She is the manager, and she seems to relate really well to the kids. She took Pumpkin Pie's 2 year pictures and they turned out wonderfully. The girl who took the pictures has different taste than me and kept enhancing the pictures (a $30 fee on top of the cost of the print itself if you order one with enhancements) even though I said I wouldn't get enhancements, especially after I found out how much more expensive they were. She paid no attention to my reactions when she was taking the pictures, and I feel she misrepresented what our total would be when we asked. On the plus side, we bought a club card so we get a free 8x10 each time we go in with no additional purchase required. We'll be getting free 8x10s each time we go to that store with one of the kids, just out of spite for how much they have raised rates.

Pumpkin Pie is doing really well with potty learning and will go by herself whenever she needs to at home. She still doesn't tell us while we are out if she needs to go so we did diapers all day yesterday. It doesn't seem to have caused any problems with her going today so that is encouraging.

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