Sunday, November 9, 2008


Where have the last 3 months gone? My princess is 3 1/2 months old, I'm back to work (went back mid-August when school started), and Pumpkin Pie is potty training. We're on day 6 and she's doing all right considering we went from prefolds to panties. (The next few sentences might be TMI so if you don't want to read about Pumpkin Pie's potty details, skip to the next paragraph. :) )Tuesday was the first day, and she went all the way through her nap dry and went in the potty for the first time after her nap. Yesterday she went in the potty 6 times and only twice in her panties. Today she pooped in the potty for the first time. We still have to get in a routine, but she seems pretty proud when she goes. We'll be pretty home-bound for a while unless we put a diaper on her as both trips we've attempted (to Wal-Mart and church) have been failures potty wise.

Otherwise, the girls are doing well. Princess might wake up once in the night to eat, but otherwise sleeps very well. Pumpkin Pie is doing better after the adjustment of a new baby and being away from Mommy and Daddy for the first time ever overnight when I was in the hospital.

I recently got a new sewing machine as my old one was not very cooperative anymore. It was an antique and would probably continue to serve someone well if they had more patience than I do and the time and money to wait for it to be serviced like it probably needs. I currently don't have a lot of faith in the local sewing machine repair shop as they gave us the wrong power cord (wrong brand name and everything) when we had my mom's serger repaired there so I got a computerized sewing machine with 50 stitches built in. It works very smoothly and is light enough that I can move it from my sewing machine to the dining room table when I want to sew up there while the girls are playing. Now I am able to get back to sewing diapers for the Princess.

Pumpkin Pie has become a pretend play expert and will wrap just about anything up in a blanket or towel or washcloth - dependind on what is handy - to put it "night-night". I've caught her using wash clothes to put a rubber duck "night-night" in one of her shoes. The way she kisses it and says "night-night" is pretty cute I think. She can also count pretty reliably to 10 and identify her letters and some shapes and colors - when she wants to. Her favorite songs to sing are The Alphabet Song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, but we hear Old MacDonald, This Little Light of Mine, and the Itsy Bitsy Spider quite often, too. A couple weeks ago she even sang the doxology at church!

Well I suppose that is a good update for now. Hopefully it isn't another 3 months before I post again!

1 comment:

Karla said...

GREAT to see you posting!!!! I am glad that everyone is doing well! I would love to see pictures of the girls some day when you have time. I am sure they have grown and changed so much!!!! Yay for PP with pt!!! :)